When it comes to headshots, there is often a lot of debate about whether or not it is ok to smile. While some people believe that smiling in a headshot is the only way to go, others argue that it can be just as effective to have a more serious expression. So, is it ok not to smile in a headshot? Let’s take a look.
One of the main benefits of smiling in a headshot is that it conveys warmth and friendliness. A smiling face can help put people at ease and make them feel more comfortable when interacting with you, which can be especially important if you are using the photo for professional purposes. Additionally, smiling in your headshot can make you appear more approachable and inviting, which can be beneficial if you are looking for new opportunities or trying to build relationships with potential clients or employers.
On the other hand, there are also some benefits to having a more serious expression in your headshot. For example, if you are looking for an authoritative look or trying to portray yourself as an expert in your field, then having a serious expression may be more appropriate than smiling. Additionally, having a serious expression can help convey confidence and professionalism, which may be beneficial if you are using the photo for business purposes.
Ultimately, whether or not you choose to smile in your headshot will depend completely on you. If you want to appear friendly and approachable then smiling may be the best option for you; however, if you want to convey authority and professionalism then having a more serious expression may be better suited for your needs. It’s important to think carefully about what message you want your photo to convey before deciding which option is right for you. Also just remember, not everyone is a smiley person! I for instance don't like to smile in my images too much because my eyes are very narrow and sometimes block my eye color. All the botox in the world couldn't solve that problem, so I settled on the smirk smile. I also guide my clients through a gentle smirk smile, and even do a full cheese smile. In the studio we play around a lot, and in the end you'll have options.